Sustainable Food Systems

In Brabant we are hard at work creating sustainable food systems that guarantee future generations will also have sufficient high quality food while the environment is protected. BOM works with businesses that focus on the transition from animal to alternative proteins, accelerating precision agriculture, and combatting wastage.


A third of all foodstuffs produced annually does not end up on our tables. Innovative concepts are necessary for reducing wastage.

Under the Food Value umbrella, the regional development agencies have joined forces in order to perform business cases that contribute to the improved use of (green) raw materials and that combat wastage in the chain.

Through our Business Innovation Program Food we help entrepreneurs with a promising concept to create a profitable business case revolving around the optimal use of raw materials. After this step they are ready to conduct pilot studies or even launch their concepts on the market.

Thanks to the voucher scheme used by the Foundation for Fighting Food Waste Together (Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling), we are encouraging innovative companies to prevent or reduce food wastage and get the most out of waste flows.

Regional inspirational sessions bring together growers, food processing companies, technological contributors, and food companies in order to create new cooperative ventures.

Precision farming

As a leader in the worlds of AgriFood and High Tech, we are helping to solve food-related issues through the accelerated introduction of technical knowledge and applications in the food chain.

In order to move forward rapidly and effectively, a range of companies, powerful national and regional networks, and development agencies have joined forces to create the agroBOTS project.

The strength of the AgriFood industry in Brabant

  • The presence of the entire chain, from growers to processing plants and logistics companies;
  • Het samenwerkingsmodel tussen trokken bedrijven, universiteiten en overheden, wat leidt tot waardevolle partnerships (Green Protein Exellence Center, CHIEF, project Grow);
  • The perfect location within Europe;
  • An exceptionally strong primary food production and processing industry, including Danone/Nutricia, LambWestom/Meijer, and Can-Pack;
  • Well-developed AgriFood clusters, campuses, and shared facilities, such as Foodtech Park Brainport, Green Chemistry Campus, and the Jamfabriek;
  • The presence of relevant knowledge institutions in the region: {HAS, WUR, TU/e, and JADS;
  • A range of fully developed individual food production value chains, such as potatoes to fries and starch, and milk to dairy products and specialized baby foods.

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Fvandenheuvel bom nl

Freek van den Heuvel

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Pmeuwissen bom nl

Pieter Meuwissen

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