The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) provides free support to innovative businesses when it comes to issues involving internationalization.
EEN consultants can help you:
- finding business partners around the world
- advice on innovation and the value added by your technology
- mediating in technology-based partnerships
- information on EU laws and legislation, including CE marking
- information on EU programs and funds as well as on the European Investment Bank
- Advice on SME financing
- guidance when it comes to digitization, becoming more sustainable, or participating in EU R&D projects
The network consists of 600 organizations in 68 countries. The EEN works on a national and international level with chambers of commerce, government agencies and institutes for company growth and innovation, and knowledge centers.
Who does this network exist for?
EEN exists for businesses. The following can also utilize the network:
- research institutes
- universities
- technology centers
- bodies focusing on company growth and innovation
EU laws and legislation
EEN has a great deal of expertise in the law and legislation, particularly in the worlds of CE marking and doing business in the European Union. EEN consultants are also always happy to speak to you if you have any comments or complaints about EU laws that are an obstacle to successfully operating in the European market. Together with you, they will look at the potential impact of EU rules for your company and will report complaints directly to the European Commission.
EEN partners
EEN is funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. EEN partners in the Netherlands include the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Business Development Friesland, the New Energy Coalition, the Water Alliance, and seven regional development agencies.
Supply Chain Resilience Platform (SRP)
The Enterprise Europe Network and the EU clusters play a crucial role when it comes to minimizing vulnerabilities in international supply chains for businesses. In order to tackle urgent issues such as these, the network has created a platform to ensure the resilience of the supply chain.
All that Enterprise Europe Network offers
- Finding partners for technological ventures and international trade
- Bolstering your innovative power
- Market information for trade and export
- All required information on EU laws and legislation.
Find your business partner!
Looking for international collaboration opportunities? Explore the Partner Profiles in the Enterprise Europe Network database. Here you will find a wealth of opportunities to expand your business horizons. Filter by country, type of request, technology, and market to quickly find the right partners. Visit our Partner Profiles page and start your journey towards successful international collaborations.