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Startup event LEVEL UP launches international award for promising tech startups

July 16, 2024

The startup event LEVEL UP will present the international tech startup award for the first time this year. “The recognition is important”, said Roger Blokland, winner of last year's Brabant edition.

On September 30, 2024, international startups, investors, and other stakeholders will gather in Eindhoven for the startup event LEVEL UP. Originally a Brabant-focused event, this year’s edition will have an international character thanks to collaborations with Flemish and Luxembourg partners. The annual event will conclude with the presentation of an international tech startup award

Last year, the award was still a Brabant prize, with Relement, a pioneer in renewable chemistry, as the winner. Then Minister Micky Adriaansens (Economic Affairs and Climate) presented the award to CEO Roger Blokland and his team in front of an audience of 700 people at the Evoluon in Eindhoven. 

An award like this gives confidence; it confirms that you are on the right track
Roger Blokland - CEO Relement, winner of the LEVEL UP Award 2023

Recognition and positive energy

“We see the award as recognition for the work we do,” said Roger Blokland, CEO of Relement, a year after winning. The recognition is important to the entrepreneur because Relement's product is not as visible to consumers. “People don't realize that all the products around us are made with chemistry. Without this technology, we couldn't live the life we live today,” he states. 

Almost all products, from keyboards to cars, are coated to protect the materials they are made of from wear and tear, such as scratches and sunlight damage. Many products are now made from sustainable materials, but petroleum is still used for the coating. For that, Relement has a solution. The company provides a sustainable alternative to petroleum in aromatics, specific ingredients used in, for example, coatings, adhesives, lightweight materials, and insulation foam. Until now, it has not been possible to make plant-based aromatics.  “Gradually, we found out that our aromatics are not only sustainable, but they are also stronger than current products,” Blokland said. 

Winning an award during LEVEL UP gave the entrepreneurs a boost: “As a startup, you experience good and bad moments, sometimes you celebrate successes, and sometimes things are more difficult. That's part of it. An award like this gives confidence; it confirms that you are on the right track,” said the CEO. 

Make use of the momentum. Use the buzz around the award to contact interesting parties or high-level people you want to talk to. That creates opportunities.
Roger Blokland - CEO Relement and winner of the Brabant edition of the LEVEL UP Award

Technical innovation

In its new format, the award still aims to highlight technical innovation. “LEVEL UP is a wonderful opportunity to highlight the importance of tech startups. They contribute to solving social issues, are at the basis of future earning power, and drive innovation. It is no accident that the Dutch startup ecosystem is becoming increasingly international. This year, as the organization of LEVEL UP, we are therefore working intensively with partners from Belgium and Luxembourg. A cooperation that already ensures an international investors cafe, inspiring keynotes, exciting workshops, and an international tech award. The side events with the four technical universities, pension funds, and are the proverbial icing on the cake. LEVEL UP is indispensable for startups and a must for investors,” says Brigit van Dijk-Van de Reijt, CEO of BOM, one of the organizers of LEVEL UP. 

Strong together

The empowering nature of the event is also an important aspect for Blokland. “All startups deserve to win. These young companies are almost all working on a solution to big social problems, which is incredibly important,” he says. Last year, he stood on the stage in the finals along with VivArt-X and AgroExact, the runner-ups. These three companies are completely different, but all share the same goal: to improve the world. 

What would Blokland like to pass along to this year's future winner? “Make use of the momentum. Use the buzz around the award to contact interesting parties or high-level people you want to talk to. That creates opportunities.” 

Relement is now at a crucial point in the company's development. “We have met all the goals we set for ourselves at this stage. The first customer is ready, and we have made arrangements with the manufacturer who will make our product. Moreover, the first tests are promising. Now we are working on a financing round to bring the product to market eventually,” Blokland concludes. 

This text was published and written by Innovation Origins.


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